three researchers in a lab looking at test tubes.

Payroll Giving for employees

Cost-effective and easy, Payroll Giving is a way to give as you earn and support us through your salary. Give more and pay less.

The smart way to power progress

Payroll Giving is donating straight from your pay without having to think about it. It’s cost-effective because HMRC tops up your donation with the money that would otherwise have been tax – so you pay less but give more.

And that means we can plan more life-saving work. Regular donations like this let us know what’s coming in so we can commit to long-term research projects with the biggest potential to save and improve lives.

How to sign up for Payroll Giving

Signing up for Payroll Giving is quick and simple. Our online sign up form takes just 5 minutes to complete.

To sign up you’ll need:

  • Your tax band (20%, 40% or 45%)

  • Your employer’s name and address

  • Your NI number or employee number (this can be found on your payslip)

An illustration of a woman looking at the Cancer Research UK website on her computer.

Step: 1

Fill out our 5 minute online form

We’ll ask you for a few details, including how much you’d like to give and NI or employee number.

An illustration of a Cancer Research staff member with a telephone headset making a phone call next to a calendar.

Step: 2

We’ll contact your work’s Payroll team

Within six weeks, your donation will automatically start coming from your gross salary each payday. 

An illustration of a female researcher looking into a microscope, wearing her lab coat.

Step: 3

Your regular gift starts to make a difference

You’ll be helping our researchers find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer.

Sign up to Payroll Giving

Benefits of Payroll Giving

It’s tax-smart

Because your donation is taken from your pay before income tax, it costs you less. The income tax you would have paid on the donation amount is paid to the charity instead of HMRC. 

Tax bracket

Amount you give

Amount you pay

20% tax payer





40% tax payer





45% tax payer





It’s effortless

It's easy to set up and the donation is automatically taken from your gross income every time you're paid. You can increase or cancel your donation at any time through your payroll department.

Your donations stop automatically if you change jobs or retire

So you won't need to contact us to let us know. You’ll be able to set up Payroll Giving again if your new employer takes part in the scheme. If you're retiring, your employer may be able to continue your donation through your pension - it's worth checking with them.

Your employer may match your donation

Many workplaces offer to match their employees’ donations. That’s even more money to drive discoveries at no extra cost to you.

In 2024, regular payday donations raised £3 million

This means we can do even more incredible research - like funding a research group at the Cambridge Institute for one year

The Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute unites outstanding scientists, clinicians and other health professionals with cutting-edge technology. Together, this is driving powerful discovery research and game-changing innovations for people affected by cancer.

Payroll Giving for employers

Find out how your organisation can help support us and other charities.

Payroll Giving for employers